JSON vs. JavaScript Objects: Understanding the Key Differences and How to Tell Them Apart

In the world of software development and data sharing between systems, JSON (JavaScript object Notation) and JavaScript objects play vital roles. Although they may appear similar at first glance, it's crucial to know the main differences between them.


Hello, and welcome. In this blog post, I am going to walk you through the differences between JSON and JavaScript objects, shedding light on their unique characteristics, purposes, and use cases. By the end, you'll have a clear understanding of how to differentiate between JSON and JavaScript objects, empowering you to make informed decisions when working with data structures and sharing data between systems. Join me on this enlightening journey as we unravel the mysteries and clear up the confusion between JSON and JavaScript objects once and for all!

Understanding JSON and JavaScript Objects?

JSON is a lightweight data-interchange format that is easy for humans to read and write, and easy for machines to parse and generate. It provides a standardized structure for representing complex data in a human-readable format. It can also be used to represent simple data structures such as strings, numbers, and booleans, as well as more complex data structures like arrays and objects.

Let's look at some JSON example data that contain information about animals.

2  "name": "Johnny",
3  "age": 9,
4  "color": "orange",
5  "type": "cat"

JSON array data format

 2  {
 3    "name": "Johnny",
 4    "age": 9,
 5    "color": "orange",
 6    "type": "cat"
 7  },
 8  {
 9    "name": "Hero",
10    "age": 6,
11    "color": "black and brown",
12    "type": "dog"
13  },
14  {
15    "name": "Mama",
16    "age": 9,
17    "color": "black",
18    "type": "cat"
19  }

In contrast, a JavaScript object is a data structure utilized within JavaScript code. These objects can possess properties and methods, enabling them to represent intricate data structures.

Here are some examples of the JavaScript objects equivalent.

1const cat = {
2  name: "Johnny",
3  color: "orange",
4  type: "cat"
5  age: 9,

JSON array data format

 1const arr = [
 3  name: "Johnny",
 4  color: "orange",
 5  type: "cat"
 6  age: 9,
 9  name: "Hero",
10  color: "black and brown",
11  "type": "dog"
12  age: 6,
15  name: "Mama",
16  color: "black",
17  type: "cat"
18  age: 9,

As you can see, the syntax for representing the data is slightly different. In JSON, property names must be wrapped in double quotes, whereas in JavaScript objects, they can be unquoted if they are valid JavaScript identifiers.

// JSON example
{ "name": "Johnny" }

// JavaScript object example
const obj = { name: "Johnny",};

Also, in JSON, string values must be wrapped in double quotes, whereas in JavaScript objects, they can be wrapped in either single or double quotes.

1// JSON example
3  "name": "Johnny",
4  "color": "orange"
1// JavaScript object example
2const obj = {
3  name: 'Johnny',
4  color: "orange",

In the above code, in the JSON example ("Johnny" and "orange") are wrapped in double quotes. However, in JavaScript objects example, the string values can be wrapped in either single quotes ('Johnny') or double quotes ("orange") because JavaScript allows both formats.

Converting Between JavaScript Objects and JSON

We can convert/parse JavaScript objects to JSON data and vice-versa using the JSON object. JSON object is available in browsers, which contains the following two methods:

parse(): Accepts a JSON string as a parameter, and returns the corresponding JavaScript object.

stringify(): Accepts an object as a parameter, and returns the equivalent JSON string. And here's an example of parsing a JSON string into a JavaScript object:

 1const cat = {
 2  name: "Johnny",
 3  color: "orange"
 4  age: 9,
 7// Converting JavaScript object to JSON string
 8const jsonString = JSON.stringify(cat);
10// Output: {"name":"Johnny","color":"orange","age":9}
12// Parsing JSON string to JavaScript object
13const jsonObject = JSON.parse(jsonString);
15// Output: { name: 'Johnny', color: 'orange', age: 9 }

Alright, let's some to understand the code above. As usual, we have a JavaScript object named cat. To convert this object to a JSON string, we use the JSON.stringify() method, passing the object as a parameter. The resulting JSON string is stored in the jsonString variable.

We can parse a JSON string into a JavaScript object using the JSON.parse() method. We pass the JSON string as a parameter to JSON.parse(), and the method returns the corresponding JavaScript object, which is stored in the jsonObject variable.

The code snippet showcases the conversion from a JavaScript object to a JSON string using JSON.stringify(), as well as the parsing of a JSON string into a JavaScript object using JSON.parse().

Accessing JavaScript object Properties

Let's take a look at some examples of accessing a property in a JavaScript object:

 1const cat = {
 2  name: "Johnny",
 3  color: "orange"
 4  age: 9,
 7// Accessing properties in a JavaScript object
 8console.log(cat.name); // Output: Johnny
 9console.log(cat["color"]); // Output: orange
11// Storing property value in a variable
12const age = cat.age;
13console.log(age); // Output: 9

In the code above, we have a JavaScript object named cat with following properties name, color, and age. To access any of these properties, you can use dot notation (objectName.propertyName) or square bracket notation (objectName["propertyName"]).

The code snippet demonstrates accessing the name property using dot notation (cat.name) and the color property using square bracket notation (cat["color"]).

You can store the value of a property in a variable, as demonstrated in the code snippet above with the age variable storing the value of the age property.

Characteristics of JSON data

JSON is purely a string with a specified data format — it contains only properties, no methods.

JSON requires double quotes to be used around strings and property names. Single quotes are not valid other than surrounding the entire JSON string.

JSON can actually take the form of any data type that is valid for inclusion inside JSON, not just arrays or objects. So for example, a single string or number would be valid JSON.

Unlike in JavaScript code in which object properties may be unquoted, in JSON only quoted strings may be used as properties.

Characteristics of JavaScript objects

JavaScript objects are not just strings but actual objects with properties and methods.

JavaScript objects can use either single quotes or double quotes for strings and property names.

JavaScript objects can store any data type as property values, not just arrays or objects. javascript

In JavaScript objects, property names can be unquoted if they follow the rules for valid identifiers.


JSON and JavaScript objects serve distinct purposes and have unique characteristics. JSON is a lightweight data-sharing format used for representing complex data in a human-readable format. It provides a standardized structure and is easy for both humans and machines to read and generate. In contrast, JavaScript objects are data structures used within JavaScript code and can possess properties and methods. They represent complex data structures and allow for more flexibility in terms of property names and data types.

Understanding the differences between JSON and JavaScript objects empowers you to make informed decisions when working with data structures and sharing data between systems. Whether you're working with JSON or JavaScript objects, the conversion between the two can be done using the JSON object's parse() and stringify() methods. Accessing properties in JavaScript objects can be done using dot notation or square bracket notation. JSON requires double quotes for strings and property names, while JavaScript objects allow for both single and double quotes. By clarifying these distinctions, this blog post has provided you with a clear understanding of JSON and JavaScript objects, helping you navigate their usage effectively.

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